Lena Zavaroni DANCE REMIX CD
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Lena Zavaroni DANCE REMIX CD by Paul Taylor available at debjayne@debrajayne9.freeserve.co.uk You MUST get this! Lena Zavaroni in the 21st Century!! I am sure she would have been thrilled! ~ Billy Tweedie A word from Debs Baker: "I run the Lena Zavaroni Website and funds are being raised to buy a memorial fountain for her home town in Rothesay Isle of Bute. Paul Taylor, is a very big fan of Lena's, and he has remixed three of Lena's songs for a special memorial disc, I made the CD and designed the front and back covers for it. For every disc that is sold, at least £1 will go to the fund for the memorial. Any money that is left over, when the fountain is paid for, will go to the Eating Disorders Association. The disc is brilliant! The songs that are on it are "Ma! He's Making Eyes At Me", "Roses and Rainbows" and "Will He Kiss Me Tonight", they have a Kylie Minogue sound! Lena's dad heard one of the tracks, and he really liked it! "I hope that we can sell as many as these discs as possible for the fund, but also because the songs are so good!" VISIT Deb's Tribute site at: http://www.lena-zavaroni.net